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Brand Colors

The palette you see here represents the full suite of brand colors. There are a wide variety of colors to fit any use and help colorfully represent Chicago Public School’s commitment to providing the best to every child, in every neighborhood.

The bright colors in the middle are the main brand colors where the colors on the left provide a secondary more muted or darker color option and the colors on the right are lighter and help soften. Please refrain from using colors that are not included in this palette.

#061A53 | 100 90 33 38 #1D48C0 | 2728 C | 90 77 0 0 #F3F6F7 | 3 1 1 0
#1D7686 | 78 12 0 47 #50C4D9 | 311 C | 61 1 14 0 #EAF5F5 | 7 0 3 0
#FFA110 | 0 43 100 0 #FFD22B | 115 C | 1 16 92 0 #FFF8CF | 0 1 22 0
#CF4016 | 13 88 100 3 #F75C03 | 0 63 99 3 #FEE3D3 | 0 11 17 0
#00463F | 91 49 68 47 #047A6E | 7718 C | 87 32 60 13 #DBF0E7 | 13 0 10 0
#621E71 | 13 73 0 56 #8B2BA1 | 14 73 0 37 #EAD9EE | 6 15 0 0
#000000 | 75 68 67 90 #3C3C3C | 655 C | 68 62 60 50 #CECECE | 18 14 15 0
Empty Cell #7EC352 | 35 0 58 24 Empty Cell
Empty Cell #D2232A | 0 83 80 18 Empty Cell