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School Quality Rating Policy (SQRP)

As early as 2019, the district decided to end using SQRP and to begin the process of redesigning the Accountability System to be more equitable, stakeholder-driven, and better reflect the realities of CPS' many great schools.

The district is committed to measuring student and school performance, and the district's previous school accountability system, School Quality Rating Policy (SQRP), has been a national exemplar of how to use data to inform school communities. However, we heard feedback from our community that SQRP could be improved upon to better account for systemic inequities and optimized to support critical aspects of the district's work. In response, the district is partnering with our community to develop a new system to better serve school communities and the district.

Learn more about the ongoing work of the Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency (CIDT)) process, as well as all of our work to date.

Want to get involved in the process and make your voice heard? Register here and give us feedback on our progress as well as ideas for the new system.

Note: The old SQRP system is no longer in use and this information now serves as a historical reference regarding the old system and the data it used.

The purpose of the SQRP was to:

  1. Communicate to parents and community members about the academic success of individual schools and the district as a whole;
  2. Recognize high achieving and high growth schools and identifying best practices;
  3. Provide a framework for goal-setting for schools;
  4. Identify schools in need of targeted or intensive support; and
  5. Guide the Board's decision-making processes around school actions and turnarounds.

The SQRP was a five-tiered performance system based on a broad range of indicators of success, including, but not limited to, student test score performance, student academic growth, closing of achievement gaps, school culture and climate, attendance, graduation, and preparation for post-graduation success. More information is available in the documents below.

For more information regarding the Accountability Redesign Initiative, please contact the Department of School Quality Measurement at