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End-of-Year Activities

Families will be allowed to attend limited in-person end-of-year activities this school year while adhering to social distancing and PPE requirements from IDPH and the City of Chicago. Guidance for in-person activities is subject to change, depending on the district-, city- and state-level guidance on in-person gatherings.

End-of-year activities may take place with no more than 50 individuals indoors, while events taking place outdoors will depend on the venue capacity. Social distancing measures are mandatory. The requirements below must be followed:

  • Students and chaperones observe social distancing and PPE requirements.
  • Sufficient outdoor space is secured.
  • Space should be accessible for all students.


Schools will have the option to hold indoor, outdoor, or virtual graduation events similar to last year, where students can obtain their diplomas and take pictures in their caps and gowns. Schools may charge nominal fees to recoup some of the costs of the graduation ceremony.

Below are the dates when graduations may begin:

  • High school graduation may be held on or after June 12, 2021
  • 8th grade graduation may be held on or after June 17, 2021
  • Kindergarten graduation may be held on or after June 17, 2021

The following is permitted:

Indoor ceremonies

  • Students and at least two members from their family (or as many as space allows), should arrive at designated areas and leave after their individual recognition, based on a schedule developed by school administration. 
  • Ceremonies with students and at least two members from their family (or as many as space allows), and staff must be limited to 50% capacity or no more than 50 individuals indoors, while ensuring social distancing measures are in place. 
  • Indoor ceremonies may be live streamed. Parents should sign the media consent form prior to hosting the ceremonies.

Outdoor Ceremonies:

  • Ceremonies with students and at least two members from their family (or as many as space allows)  and staff must be limited to 25-50% venue capacity, depending on the venue size, while ensuring social distancing PPE measures are in place.
  • Drive-through ceremonies: Students and at least two members from their family (or as many as space allows), should arrive at designated areas and leave after their individual recognition, based on a schedule developed by school administration. Students may exit the car individually, unless per their IEP/504 plan they require mobility and or health support, in their cap and gown if available, to have a photo taken.
  • Outdoor ceremonies may be live streamed. The media consent form should be signed prior to hosting the ceremonies.

Online Ceremonies:

  • Virtual ceremonies: Schools may hold an online virtual ceremony that include commencement speakers and award ceremonies. Principals must notify their families of their formal graduation plans.
  • Online platforms: Schools can host ceremonies using Google Meets and Zoom with appropriate consent from the parent/guardian or student who is 18 years of age or older. The media consent form should be signed prior to hosting the ceremonies.
  • Social media: Social media may be used to highlight graduates with special hashtags that allow for family, friends, and community members to congratulate participating individual students with photos and messages. We encourage you to use #thebestarewithCPS for celebratory posts and #bettermakeroomChicago for high school graduation posts. The media consent form should be signed prior to hosting the ceremonies.