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Board Member Training, Development, and Continuous Improvement

Section 2-18

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  1. Generally. This Rule sets forth the practices and procedures for the mandatory training, ongoing professional development for Board Members, and continuous improvement for the entire Board.
  2. Purpose. In order for the Board to fulfill its responsibilities, individual Board Members must learn, understand, and practice effective governance principles. A critical step in achieving this goal is the establishment of a comprehensive new Board Member training and professional development program to help Board Members become effective and to promote a high-functioning team. The Board also desires to lead as a united team to the extent possible, while respecting individual Board Member perspectives, and is committed to meeting the unique needs of new Board Members, as well as the ongoing development and continuous improvement of the entire Board. To these ends, this Rule provides the core requirements of a mandatory training, ongoing professional development, and continuous improvement program.
  3. Board Member Mandatory Training and Responsibilities.
    1. Domain A: Board Powers and Duties, which shall include, but not be limited to:
      1. Board Members must take the Chicago Board of Education Oath of Office at their first public board meeting, and sign and submit the Oath of Office and agreement with Board Operating Procedures Manual in accordance with Board Rule 2-19.
      2. Each Board Member must complete training on the Open Meetings Act no later than ninety (90) days after taking the Oath of Office. After completing the training, each Board Member must file a copy of the certificate of completion with the Board Secretary. Training on the Open Meetings Act is only required once.
      3. Each Board Member shall receive training on, and be given a copy of, the powers of the Chicago Board of Education granted through state and federal laws and Board Rules and Policies.
      4. Each Board Member shall receive training annually on the Board of Education Code of Ethics at a time established by the Board President or designee.
      5. Each Board Member shall complete the Illinois Mandated Reporter Training annually at a time established by the Board President or designee.
      6. Each Board Member shall be provided training on budget and revenues, education theory and governance, governmental relations, school-based management, and state and federal education law and regulations pursuant to 105 ILSC 5/34-3.2. Board Members shall also be provided training regarding trauma-informed practices for students and staff.
      7. Additional mandatory trainings as required by the Board President and applicable laws and Board Rules and Policies.
    2. Domain B: Board Business, which shall include, but not be limited to:
      1. Parliamentary procedure in accordance with Board Rule 2-5, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, and other Board Rules, Policies, and procedures established by the Board President.
      2. Each Board Member must be given a copy of the latest edition of the Board of Education Board Rules.
      3. Each Board Member shall receive training on the agenda preparation and formulation process.
      4. Each Board Member shall receive training on the latest edition of the Board Operating Procedures Manual referenced in Board Rule 2-19.
      5. Additional mandatory trainings as required by the Board President and applicable laws and Board Rules and Policies.
    3. Domain C: Board Member Organizational Responsibilities and Relationships, which shall include, but not be limited to:
      1. Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education, including but not limited to, the election and powers of its officers.
      2. Oversight and evaluation of the direct reports of the Board.
      3. Each Board Member must complete a training program on personnel dismissals that require Board approval, such as contract principals, tenured teachers, pre-tenured teachers, educational support personnel, paraprofessional and school related personnel, and other personnel decisions. Board Members must complete the training program before participating in a vote on dismissal of personnel.
      4. Board Members’ role within the appointments to the Appointed Local School Councils (ALSCs) and Local School Councils (LSCs).
      5. Other trainings as directed by the Board President that support the Board’s organizational responsibilities.
    4. Domain D: District Oversight, which shall include, but not be limited to:
      1. Board and District Goals, Vision, and Strategic Plan
      2. School Performance
      3. District and School Finance
      4. Instructional Program
      5. Portfolio of school options, such as District, charter, contract, and Options schools
      6. District personnel
      7. District’s approach to, and protocols for, equity and community engagement
      8. Immediate decisions before the Board
      9. Collective Bargaining Agreements
      10. Other trainings as directed by the Board President that support District oversight
    5. The Board President may authorize additional trainings to be included in the Board Member Mandatory Training.
  4. Ongoing Professional Development.
    1. The Board President or designee shall establish professional development opportunities and resources to support the development of Board Members.
    2. All Board Members are encouraged to attend professional development opportunities.
    3. The Board President may request a veteran Board Member to mentor a new Board Member.
  5. Continuous Improvement for the Board.
    1. The Board President shall establish a formal Board Self-Evaluation annually in February, or at such time as deemed appropriate by the Board President provided an annual Board Self-Evaluation occurs. The Board President may establish additional Board Self-Evaluations as appropriate. Board Self-Evaluations shall provide for the self-evaluation of practices, procedures, or professional ethics, and be in accordance with Open Meetings Act. The results of the Board Self-Evaluation shall inform the areas for improvement in the ongoing professional development for Board Members and the Board as a collective governing body.
    2. The Board President shall establish an annual Board Goal-Setting, Monitoring and Evaluation Process in which Board Members, the CEO, and other District officials as deemed appropriate by the CEO, develops, revises, and articulates the District’s mission, vision and goals that align to core beliefs and community values set forth by the Board.
  6. Oversight and Compliance.
    1. Each Board Member is responsible for their own compliance with mandatory trainings.
    2. The Board President or designee shall maintain on the Board website a log identifying the complete training and development activities of each Board Member participating and completing requirements set forth in this Rule.

Rule References

Cross References Board Rule 2-18 was adopted as a new Section at the April 26, 2023 Board Meeting [Board Report 23-0426-RU1].
Public Comment Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Rule [2-18] was subject to Public Comment from 3/17/23-4/17/23 and adopted at the April 26, 2023 Board Meeting [Board Report 23-0426-RU1].

Chicago Board of Education

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