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Celebrating Three Members of the Pilsen Community Academy Class of 2024

03 June 2024

Iscis, Marianna, and Riley are known for their creativity, kindness, motivation, and involvement in their community.

Iscis, Marianna, and Riley

Meet Iscis, Marianna, and Riley, soon-to-be graduates from the Pilsen Community Academy Class of 2024! These three students are known for their creativity, kindness, motivation, and involvement in their community. After graduating from Pilsen, Iscis will be attending Hancock College Prep, Marianna will be attending UIC College Prep, and Riley will be attending Jones College Prep. Get to know them more below!

What are some highlights from your time at Pilsen?

Iscis: I’ve made really close friends, and I love the environment here. We don’t do busy work, and what we’re learning feels important.

Marianna: I made good friends right away, and I’ve stayed close with them during all of elementary school. I used to be really quiet, and my friends have helped give me the confidence to speak up. We also have a lot of fun events and celebrations, like the carnival and Day of the Child.

Riley: I’ve been at Pilsen for two years, and since then I have met true friends here, made good connections with teachers, and gained a lot of confidence.

What is something you have learned during elementary school?

Iscis: Do things even when you’re scared! Push yourself, and you won’t have any regrets.

Marianna: How to gain confidence—don’t keep yourself quiet. When you speak out, you can help others who might be having the same problem.

Riley: That it’s okay to care about yourself and put yourself first. Stop caring so much about what other people think! I’ve also learned that when you speak up about issues you care about, you can make a difference.

What are you most looking forward to in high school?

Iscis: Meeting new people and joining more clubs and sports. I’m excited to see all of the different types of activities that high school will have.

Marianna: Socializing more, and getting involved at my school. I want to try new things, like weightlifting!

Riley: I’m excited to make new friends. Elementary school helped me build up my social skills, and now I can take what I’ve learned to a bigger environment.

Do you have any advice for younger students?

Iscis: Don’t let other people get you down, because that can really mess with what you think about yourself.

Marianna: Say what’s on your mind, and don’t hold yourself back.

Riley: Don’t doubt yourself. Take action and live your life!

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