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Get to Know the Amazing School Clerk at Barnard Elementary

30 May 2024

Ms. Theresa Hill has been connected to the Barnard community ever since she was a student herself.

Theresa Hill

Meet Theresa Hill, the school clerk at Alice L. Barnard Elementary! Although Ms. Hill has been the clerk for the past 12 years, her involvement with the community has been even longer. In addition to the school being her own alma mater, Ms. Hill’s four children also all graduated from Barnard.

While Ms. Hill was a Barnard parent, she was very active in the school community by serving as basketball assistant coach and on parent committees. Doris Jordan, who was principal of Barnard at the time, took notice of how well Ms. Hill communicated and engaged with the other parents, and recommended that she apply for a job. And this insight was spot on—Ms. Hill has been an invaluable member of Barnard’s staff ever since.

"Parents, students, and staff look to Theresa for guidance, support, and encouragement," said Principal Kate Valente. "She is the heart and soul of Barnard."

Learn more about Ms. Hill below!

What is special about Barnard Elementary?

The community! We are a very small and family-oriented school.

Which characteristics are important to being successful in your role as school clerk?

Since I am a parent of four Barnard graduates myself, the fact that I am able to relate to our parents is very helpful. I also aim to always be open and honest, because that is how we are able to connect. Being a good listener is incredibly important as well—sometimes people just need to feel heard!

What is your favorite part of your work?

All of it. I love being helpful, and I love our whole community.

What are some of your favorite memories at Barnard?

I love when our graduates come back and I get to see that they’re doing well and thriving.

What is something you've learned throughout your years of being a school clerk?

The importance of being consistent—and there’s always another learning experience!

You are one of the first people that students and families see when they come to school. How do you create a welcoming environment?

I like to put positive affirmations around the office and on the door, because I want our community to know that when they enter this space, they will be heard, welcomed, and loved. I also love to decorate the office for different seasons, so it feels welcoming. Lastly, I always try to greet people with warmth.

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