Residing Attending (RA) refers to students who reside within the school’s attendance boundary and attend the school. Total residing (TR) refers to the total number of students who reside within the attendance boundary and attend any CPS school. RA/TR is a measure of whether students who reside within the attendance boundary of a zoned school attend that school. Citywide schools do not have an attendance boundary and are listed as N/A.
Residing Attending (RA) refers to students who reside within the school’s attendance boundary and attend the school. Total residing (TR) refers to the total number of students who reside within the attendance boundary and attend any CPS school. RA/TR is a measure of whether students who reside within the attendance boundary of a zoned school attend that school. Citywide schools do not have an attendance boundary and are listed as N/A.
Corliss HS is co-located with Noble - Butler HS.
Options High School Enrollment Data by School
Program Type by Schools (Hover over the to view program)
Elementary Programs
NOTE: Program capacity data is self-reported by schools and fluctuates year to year. Data regarding the presence of programs or the number of seats in programs may be missing or incomplete.
High School Programs
NOTE: Program capacity data is self-reported by schools and fluctuates year to year. Data regarding the presence of programs or the number of seats in programs may be missing or incomplete.