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Greater Stony Island - Choice

Explore this section for information on school choice patterns and student commute distance and time.

Are Elementary Students Choosing Schools in the Region?

Elementary School Student Choice Over Time

School choice is currently defined as choosing to attend a school that is not a student’s zoned (or assigned) school.

Over the past four years, in this region, the percentage of elementary students attending a school other than their zoned school (in or out of the region) has increased from 53% to 54%. In the same time frame, the percentage of students attending their zoned school has increased from 46% to 47%.

The percentage of elementary school students attending a school in the Greater Stony Island region (zoned or non-zoned) has increased from 71 to 73%, while the percentage of students attending another school out of the region has stayed the same at 28%.

Elementary School Student Attendance Type Over Time


NOTE: Only K-8 grade students are included in school choice calculations as Pre-K students are not zoned to a school. Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Elementary School Students Who Attend School Out of Region by Race/Ethnicity

Of the 3,845 elementary students who live in the region but attend another school out of the region, the greatest overall number are students who identify as Black. Students identifying as Black, however, attend school out of the region at a lower rate (28%) than students who identify as any other race/ethnicity in the region except students who identify as Latinx (26%).

 Elementary School Students Attending School Out of Region by Race/Ethnicity


NOTE: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Elementary School Students Who Attend a Non-Zoned School In Region

Of the 13,911 elementary students residing in the region, 26% (3,596 students) attend another school in the region that is not their zoned school. Of those students, 46% attend other zoned schools and 34% attend Charter/Contract schools with the remainder attending mostly Magnet, other citywide schools, or Selective Enrollment schools in the region.

School Type of Elementary School Students Attending a Non-Zoned School In Region


Elementary School Students Who Attend a Non-Zoned School Out of Region

Of the 13,911 elementary students residing in the region, 28% (3,845 students) attend another school out of the region. Of those students, 33% attend other zoned schools and 28% attend Charter/Contract schools with the remainder attending mostly Selective Enrollment, Magnet, or other citywide schools out of the region.

School Type of Elementary School Students Attending a School Out of Region


Elementary School Student's Distance and Time Traveled to School

Of the 13,911 elementary students residing in region, 54% travel less than 1 mile for school and 26% travel 3 miles or more. 59% of students travel less than 15 minutes and 12% travel 45 minutes or more.

Elementary School Students
Distance Traveled to School


Region average: 2.3 mi.
District average: 1.5 mi.

Elementary School Students
Time Traveled to School


Region average: 20 min.
District average: 15 min.

NOTE: Distance traveled and commute time are calculated based on the student’s home address and the address of their school. Commute time was calculated using Google Maps travel time estimations using the shorter travel time between walking and public transit. The analysis takes into account school start times and chooses routes that minimize travel and wait time. Any wait time before a trip starts is not included but wait times due to transfers are included.

Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Where are Elementary Students Choosing to Attend Outside the Region?

This map illustrates the current choice footprint of K-8th graders residing in the Greater Stony Island region but attending a school out of the region. The Bronzeville / South Lakefront, South Side, and Greater Calumet regions are enrolling the greatest overall number of elementary students that reside in the Greater Stony Island region but attend school out of the region.

                                 Elementary School Choice Footprint Map

Greater Stony Island Elementary School Choice Footprint Map

Are High School Students Choosing Schools in the Region?

Percentage of 8th Grade Students in the Region Who Applied to High School

Since 2017-18, CPS has utilized the GoCPS platform to allow students to research and apply to all high schools and high school programs. Students are asked to rank in order of preference the schools and programs they are most interested in. Students are still guaranteed a seat in the general education program at their zoned high school and do not have to submit a GoCPS application for that program. For more information about GoCPS and the high school application process, visit

In the Greater Stony Island region, 90% (1,564) of 8th-grade students applied to a variety of high school programs in Round 1 of the GoCPS application process.

Percent of 8th Grade Students in the Region Who Applied to High School


Percentage of Students in the Region Who Received an Offer from One of Their Top 3 Choices

Of the 8th-grade students residing in the Greater Stony Island region who applied in Round 1, 85% received an offer to one of their top 3 choices of high school programs. This figure does not include selective enrollment high schools as those schools use a different ranking process in GoCPS.

Percent of 8th Grade Students in the Region Who Received an Offer from One of Their Top 3 Choices


NOTE: This analysis only includes 8th-grade applicants who were enrolled on the 20th day of school in 2022-23.
Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Changes to the CPS HS admissions process occurred between SY21 and SY22. As a result, students' ranking decisions and offer results will differ from previous years.

High School Student Choice Over Time

School choice is currently defined as attending a school that is not a student’s zoned (or assigned) school.

Over the past four years, in this region, the percentage of high school students attending a school other than their zoned school (in or out of the region) has decreased from 90% to 89%. In the same time frame, the percentage of students attending their zoned school has increased from 10% to 11%.

The percentage of high school students attending a school in the Greater Stony Island region (zoned or non-zoned) has increased from 36% to 37%, while the percentage of students attending another school out of the region has decreased from 64% to 63%.

High School Student Attendance Type Over Time


NOTE: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

High School Students Who Attend School Out of Region by Race/Ethnicity

Of the 3,836 high school students who live in the region but attend another school out of the region, the greatest overall number are students who identify as Black. Students identifying as Latinx, however, attend school out of region at a lower rate (50%) than students who identify as any other race/ethnicity in the region.

High School Students Attending School Out of Region by Race/Ethnicity


NOTE: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

High School Students Who Attend a Non-Zoned School In Region

Of the 6,118 high school students residing in the region, 26% (1,612 students) attend another school in the region that is not their zoned school. Of those students, 67% attend Charter/Contract schools with the remainder attending mostly Selective Enrollment or other zoned schools in the region.

School Type of High School Students Attending a Non-Zoned School In Region


High School Students Who Attend a Non-Zoned School Out of Region

Of the 6,118 high school students residing in the region, 63% (3,836 students) attend another school out of the region. Of those students, 33% attend other zoned schools and 30% attend Charter/Contract schools with the remainder attending mostly Selective Enrollment or other citywide schools schools out of the region.

School Type of High School Students Attending a School Out of Region


High School Student's Distance and Time Traveled to School

Of the 6,118 high school students residing in region, 44% travel less than 3 miles for school and 24% travel 6 miles or more. 48% of students travel less than 30 minutes and 26% travel 45 minutes or more.

High School Students
Distance Traveled to School


Region average: 4.5 mi.
District average: 3.2 mi.

High School Students
Time Traveled to School


Region average: 34 min.
District average: 28 min.

NOTE: Distance traveled and commute time are calculated based on the student’s home address and the address of their school. Commute time was calculated using Google Maps travel time estimations using the shorter travel time between walking and public transit. The analysis takes into account school start times and chooses routes that minimize travel and wait time. Any wait time before a trip starts is not included but wait times due to transfers are included.

Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Where are High School Students Choosing to Attend Outside the Region?

Choice Footprint Map

This map illustrates the current choice footprint of 9th-12th graders residing in the Greater Stony Island region but attending a school out of the region. The Bronzeville / South Lakefront, South Side, and Greater Calumet regions are enrolling the greatest overall number of high school students that reside in the Greater Stony Island region but attend school out of the region.

                                 High School Choice Footprint Map
ARA_SY23_Choice_Footprint_Maps_HS_Greater Stony Island.png

Are Options High School Students Choosing Schools in the Region?

Options High School Student Choice Over Time

Options high schools serve students who need a new pathway toward high school graduation. CPS schools offer additional supports and services for students who have been out of school and seek to return or who may need opportunities to earn credits in an accelerated program. Some of CPS’ campuses offer additional supports such as counseling and alternative schedules for students who may work during the traditional school day.

Options high schools exist in every region except the Greater Lincoln Park and Far Southwest Side regions. Options high schools do not have attendance zones or admission criteria although many serve only students 16 years and older. Students can choose to attend any Options high school within or outside of their home region. For this reason, Choice patterns tend to differ for Options students compared to elementary and other high school students.

Over the past four years, the percentage of Greater Stony Island region Options high school students attending a school in the region has increased from 44% to 48%. In the Greater Stony Island region, Options high school students attend school out of the region at a greater rate than elementary students but at a lesser rate than other high school students.

Options High School Student Attendance Type Over Time


NOTE: Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Options High School Student's Distance Traveled to School

On average, Options high school students in the Greater Stony Island region travel 4.4 miles to school, which is 0.6 miles more than the district average. 51% travel less than 3 miles and 28% travel 6 miles or more.

Options High School Students Distance Traveled to School


Region average: 4.4 mi.
District average: 3.8 mi.

NOTE: Distance traveled and commute time are calculated based on the student’s home address and the address of their school. Commute time was calculated using Google Maps travel time estimations using the shorter travel time between walking and public transit. The analysis takes into account school start times and chooses routes that minimize travel and wait time. Any wait time before a trip starts is not included but wait times due to transfers are included.

Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Options High School Student's Time Traveled to School

On average, Options high school students in the Greater Stony Island region travel for 32 minutes to school, which is 2 minutes more than the district average. 52% travel for less than 30 minutes and 23% travel 45 minutes or more.

Options High School Students Time Traveled to School


Region average: 32 min.
District average: 30 min.

NOTE: Distance traveled and commute time are calculated based on the student’s home address and the address of their school. Commute time was calculated using Google Maps travel time estimations using the shorter travel time between walking and public transit. The analysis takes into account school start times and chooses routes that minimize travel and wait time. Any wait time before a trip starts is not included but wait times due to transfers are included.

Due to rounding, some charts may not add up to 100%.

Where are Options High School Students Choosing to Attend Outside the Region?

Choice Footprint Map and Table

This map illustrates the current choice footprint of 9th-12th Options high school students residing in the Greater Stony Island region. The Central Area, Pilsen / Little Village, Bronzeville / South Lakefront, South Side, and Greater Calumet regions are enrolling the greatest overall number of Options high school students that reside in the Greater Stony Island region but attend school out of the region.

Map of Options High School Locations and
Where Options High School Students Reside and Attend

Options HS Footprint Map Greater Stony Island

NOTE: Share of Options high school students by region is provided to show the proportion of HS students that attend an Options high school compared to all HS students that reside in that region.

Options high school students can attend school in or out of the region except for in the Far Southwest Side and Greater Lincoln Park regions which do not contain Options high schools.

Options high schools do not have attendance zones or admission criteria although many serve only students 16 years and older.

Options High School Students


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