15 November 2024
CPS Racial Equity Impact Assessment
The purpose of the REIA is to operationalize the CPS Equity Framework in relation to the Fair Policies and Systems dimension.

At CPS, improving student experiences is at the core of our equity work. We are committed to looking at all of our work through an equity lens in order to eliminate barriers to success and ensure equitable opportunities for all students. We know those most impacted by inequity must have a seat at the table in the creation and implementation of any decision affecting their lives.
The REIA process uses a set of conditions and questions to guide the development, implementation, and evaluation of a practice, policy, decision, proposal, or action through a racial equity lens. We start with race because racial and ethnic minorities have been historically prohibited and structurally excluded from educational opportunities. Race impacts social capital, which is crucial for educational opportunity.
Related Tools
Leading At The Intersections: An Introduction To The Intersectional Approach Model For Policy & Social Change
C. Nicole Mason, PhD, Women of Color Policy Network
BELE Framework For Equitable Learning Environments
Jasmin Lee- BELE
Elementary Schools for Equity: Policies and Practices that Help Close the Opportunity Gap
Laura Wentworth, Julie Kessler, Linda Darling-Hammond