CPS Department of Arts Education
Visual & Media Arts Opportunities
RE·VER·BER·ATE is a FREE multidisciplinary CPS arts festival featuring 100+ schools, 250+ performances, and 35+ workshops for students led by professional artists! The festival takes place downtown Chicago from May 1st to May 4th, 2024! Register for workshops and pick performances to view here!
Early College Arts Program
The CPS Department of Arts Education & Wells Community Academy High School partner to present RE:ALIZE, the premier early college arts program in Chicago.
Upcoming Art Events
Full Arts CalendarAnnouncements
Check out the most recent arts education announcements and opportunities below!
SY2023-24 Arts Professional Learning & Events
In school year 2023-24, Department of Arts Education Professional Learning will focus on:
- Accelerated, standards-aligned, discipline & grade-level best practices in curriculum, assessment, and instruction.
- Student-centered, culturally responsive instructional strategies centering the CPS Inner Core.
- Arts practice shifts in response to Classroom Learning Conditions.
Click the link below to access the catalog of professional learning this year:
All City Visual Arts Showcase
Check out the virtual exhibition, and view the All City Visual Arts Scholarship Winners
All City Visual Arts Showcase
Check out the virtual exhibition, and view the All City Visual Arts Scholarship Winners
Key Resources
Arts Funding Information for Schools
Searching for funding opportunities to supplement your school’s allotted budget for the arts? Here you’ll find information about how to access grant money for arts programming, supplies, and equipment.
Arts Policies and Procedures
Find find links to important policies, memos, and guidance documents generated by Chicago Public Schools and the CPS Department of Arts Education.
Resources for Current Arts Partners
The CPS Department of Arts Education encourages and supports robust collaborations between CPS schools and community arts organizations and teaching artists that bring the rich cultural resources of Chicago into the district’s classrooms.
List of Active CPS Vendors
A regularly-updated list of all active CPS vendors that schools may purchase from.
Creating Opportunities for our Students
Free Visual Art Exhibition Opportunities
The All-City Visual Art Exhibitions provide free art exhibition opportunities for approximately 2,000 students in K-12th grade each year.
Free Performing Arts Ensemble-Based Instruction
The All-City Performing Arts Program provides over 50 hours of free ensemble-based arts instruction for each of the approximately 200 students enrolled in the program annually.
Early College Arts
RE:ALIZE, our two-year arts program for junior and seniors from across the district, provides each student with 12 college credits in the arts prior to graduation.
The CPS Department of Arts Education works to ensure that every Chicago Public Schools student receives a high-quality arts education by creating conditions at the classroom, school, district, and state level that allow the arts to grow and flourish.
Chicago Public Schools sets the standard for an innovative and impactful arts education that empowers every student to develop the creativity, empathy, curiosity, and confident self-expression that leads to bold and inventive artistic practice, active citizenship, professional success, and personal fulfillment.
Contact Info CPS Arts Department
Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60602