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World Language, French

The Skyline French courses incorporate contemporary, authentic resources that are aligned to the American Council on Teaching Foreign Language (ACTFL) standards and proficiency levels. This structure provides flexibility and support to varying student needs.

The curriculum offers UDL (Universal Design for Learning) support in every lesson, supporting students’ language mastery through alternate processes. These lesson supports include mini-lessons for differentiation, skill-building formative assessments, engaging interpersonal activities and detailed teacher guidance.

The Skyline French courses also include various types of assessments. There are many opportunities for students to engage in low stakes formative assessments as learning activities within each lesson. However, there are summative assessments for each lesson and unit. In addition, each unit concludes with an IPA (Integrated Performance Assessment) which evaluates students’ proficiency in three types of communication skills (interpretive, interpersonal and presentational). IPAs can be used as an interim assessment to evaluate student skills over 2-3 units.

For SY23-24 the design team is happy to announce a variety of new resources to every unit to increase joy and UDL in the classroom. Each unit now has Blooket vocabulary games, Visual Dictionaries with Activity Packs and Student-Facing Game Guides. There are also new study guides to build executive functioning, and media transcripts to support students on all video and audio. The digital resource section of all teacher guidance (Unit and TFGs) has been also revamped to be more accessible. Check out any unit plan or TFG to discover these improvements!

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