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1.11 Operations and Maintenance

An Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan must be provided for all regulated developments as part of the construction documents. The O&M Plan shall consist of drawings, notes and maintenance guidelines regarding all rainwater management elements including existing and proposed sewers and structures, all BMPs (bioinfiltration systems, vegetated roofs, permeable pavement, etc.), and other related site elements. The O&M Plan shall be prepared in accordance with the DWM regulations. Add vendor specific maintenance guidelines for any additional BMPs, such as an underground detention vault.

Site Specific Site Elements

The O&M Plan shall include all site-specific BMP elements that will need to be maintained including surfacing (artificial turf, rubber surfacing, mulch, engineered wood fiber, etc.), all elements of the stormwater management system, observation wells, observation ports, and etc.

Owner Certification Statement

An Owner’s Certification Statement, signed and notarized by a CPS representative, shall be included as part of the overall operations and maintenance plan. As the O&M Plan becomes a stand-alone document, this will ensure the City that the rainwater management system will be maintained properly upon completion of construction. Refer to DWM Ordinance, Appendix C.