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2.1 Site

Planning Rationale


Typically, all CPS renovation projects shall address outstanding the Landscape Ordinance regardless of the project type. A first review is made to determine the impact of full compliance based on area and cost of the proposed project. Refer to the New Construction guidelines: Volume 3, Chapter 1 Site for detailed requirements.

Typical site improvements that shall be included in conjunction with renovation projects are as follows:

  • Landscape Ordinance: If the site is not currently in compliance with the Landscape Ordinance, provide the following:
    • Setbacks: Minimum zoning setback shall be maintained.
    • Parkway Trees: Provide trees where missing. Confirm with the Landscape Ordinance requirements for additional trees, tree grates or planter boxes.
    • Trash Enclosures: For new construction, masonry trash enclosures are required. The Chicago Department of Planning and Development has given permission to CPS to utilize chain link fencing with privacy slats for existing schools in lieu of masonry.
      • If existing trash enclosure is chain link fencing only, provide privacy slats.
      • Provide bollards at trash enclosure if none exist.
    • Fencing: Ornamental metal fencing shall be installed around the perimeter of vehicular use area adjacent to public street right-a-way and abutting any existing front yard. Wood fencing shall be installed abutting residential property.
    • Plantings: Provide plantings along the interior of the fence line. Interior landscaping to be provided for parking lots greater than 3,000 SF.
  • Other Scope: Associated scope as required to fulfill the project intent and achieve compliance with the landscape ordinance: as necessitated by project scope. Additional scope may be triggered based upon the extent of work including:
    • Department of Buildings (DOB) building permits shall be applied for review and approval.
    • Stormwater Management - DWM review and approval are required for the land area disturbed close to 7,500 SF or more.
    • Accessibility - MOPD review and approval are required.
  • Parking Lot Improvements: Determine the extent of improvements required at the parking lot during renovation projects. DWM storm water review and approval are required for the land area disturbed close to 7,500 square foot or more. Re-surfacing does not count as disturbed.
    • Accessibility: If alterations are provided to the parking lot, at a minimum, provide accessible parking stalls with appropriate signage at a location that is closest to an accessible entrance. Parking stalls are to be 11’-0” x 18’-0” with a 5’-0” striped off access aisle. Signs should be at a minimum 5’-0” high and should have ($250) fine. The quantity of accessible parking spaces are determined by the Zoning Code. See Accessibility Standard Details for additional requirements.
    • Striping: Provide striping that meets Zoning Code requirements for stall and aisle spacing.

Sloped Walkways and Ramps

Refer to the New Construction guidelines: Volume 3, Chapter 1.3.4 Sidewalks and 1.10 Site Accessibility for detailed requirements.

Sloped Walkways:

  • Sidewalks shall be accessible. Sidewalks shall not exceed the maximum slope allowable by Code.
  • Existing single riser stoops shall be removed and replaced with walks and/or ramps developed for accessible path of travel.
  • The edge of inclined walkways shall include curbs per ADA standard details to prevent drop offs.
  • Non slip and detectable warning features at walking surfaces where required.


  • Non slip and detectable warning features at walking surfaces where required.
  • Tops and bottoms of ramps shall align with the same levels as the top and bottom levels of stair landings.
  • Ramp shall not exceed the maximum slope allowable by code.
  • Landing sizes shall conform with all applicable Code requirements.
  • Landings shall always positively drain away from doors; thresholds are to comply with ADA requirements.
  • Stoops are not permitted as adjacent doors are to be fully accessible.
  • Provide Code compliant hand rail and guardrail assemblies with required extensions.