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1.10 Site Accessibility

Building Access/Accessible Entry

At least one accessible route shall connect all accessible buildings, facilities, elements, and spaces that are on the same site. Coordinate with school to identify any essential accessible entry improvements or additions, as well as accessible entry locations on the design drawings. Existing exterior stoops and single riser stair conditions shall be evaluated for elimination. An accessible route may include a connection from a parking lot, play lot, artificial turf field, or onto a path of travel that leads to an accessible entrance.

Site Slopes

Site slopes shall adhere to the following requirements:

  • The maximum allowable cross slope for accessible routes, accessible parking, and other ‘level’ areas is 2%, with 1.5% being the preferred design
  • The maximum allowable slope in the direction of travel for an accessible route is 5%, with 4.25% being the preferred design
  • The maximum allowable slope for ramps and curb ramps is 8.33%, with 7.5% preferred for adults and 5.8% preferred for children
  • Constructed walking/rolling surfaces shall not exceed maximum slopes and cross slopes above in any accessible location
  • Slopes steeper than 8.33% are not allowed except within existing facilities with technically infeasible conditions
  • Minimum clear width of accessible routes shall be 36 inches.
  • Sidewalk slopes (sloped walkways) must not exceed 1:22.
  • Any sloped walk conditions must have minimum 2” raised curb per CPS ADA standard details.

Playground Accessibility

The design must provide and designate an accessible route from the school to the playground and from the ROW sidewalks to the playground.

Outdoor Sports Accessibility

  • Where multiple sports fields or courts are provided, an accessible route is required for access to each field, sideline, etc., for inclusion in the sport activity.
  • The size of an area of sport activity includes only the space needed to play. When concrete sidewalks and other accessible routes are not feasible, portable mats, i.e., Mobi-Mats, or similar products shall be included at artificial turf fields for access to sidelines.
  • Refer to Illinois Accessibility Code 206.2.2.

ADA Parking, Signs, Routes

  • At least one route shall be provided from within the site to accessible parking spaces and passenger loading zones; public streets and sidewalks; and public transportation stops to the accessible entrance of the building or facility they serve.
  • All changes, improvements, or maintenance of existing parking lots including seal coating, resurfacing, remarking, fencing, curbs, walks, and/or landscaping shall provide accessible parking spaces.
  • In addition, an accessible route shall be provided within the parking lot to connect accessible parking spaces to a path of travel that leads to an accessible entrance. Refer to Illinois Accessibility Code 206.2.1 and 202.3.3.

ROW Curb Ramp Layouts

  • The verification of compliant accessible curb cuts surrounding the school shall be reviewed early in the design phase.
  • All ADA intersection ramps adjacent to the scope of work and/or school loading zones are required to be included in the design.
  • All non-adjacent ADA intersection ramps are not required to be included in the design, however, CDOT must be notified of the non-compliant accessible curb cuts which will not be included in the design.

Intersection Curb Cuts

Curb cuts shall only be trunkated domes shall be provided only at intersections and not mid block per CDOT.

ADA Certification

  • Review and approval from City MOPD will be required.
  • The CPS ADA Design Manager shall set up the meeting with the MOPD office immediately after the 60% design deliverable.
  • The meeting shall be scheduled to take place after the 100% deliverable milestone (refer to 1.2.4.). The AOR/ EOR shall sign the ADA certification and place it on the cover sheet.