MEP projects will primarily focus on addressing major systems or equipment upgrades. Parameters of each project are specific to each building. Scopes are typically initiated based on known problems, and facility conditions assessments. Any equipment to be removed and reinstalled after completion of the roof scope must be tested during design and if unlikely to be functional upon re-installation must be replaced. For equipment planned to be removed and reinstalled by the GC, the GC shall also test the equipment prior to removal. EORs shall be responsible for final equipment selections and sizing, which may differ from the original equipment that is being replaced. New equipment and piping must comply with current plumbing and energy codes as well as the current CPS Standards and Specifications.
CPS has an extensive library of existing as-build documentation for the vast majority of its facilities. EOR shall be responsible for obtaining all available as-built documentation from CPS, which can be a useful reference for any CPS design project.
All existing conditions shown on the as-built documents shall be verified in the field and compared to the as-build documentation. Any discrepancies from the as-built documentation, as related to the project in question, shall be reflected on demolition and new work construction documents to allow for an accurate bidding by contractor and to minimize possibility of change orders. Note, obtaining as-built documentation does not alleviate the EOR from visiting the site and collecting all information applicable to the project. In certain circumstances, if piping or equipment cannot be easily accessed by an EOR or building engineer in a safe manner, CPS may authorize a contractor to perform exploratory demolition and field verification of the existing conditions at the future project site.
Plan Requirements for Renovation Projects
Demolition Plans EOR shall clearly indicate on plans all existing conditions pertaining to the project. These conditions shall include, but should be not limited to: existing pipe routing, existing pipe sizes, existing equipment locations, existing drain and fixture locations, etc. EOR shall clearly indicate piping and equipment to be demolished. Points of disconnection shall be clearly indicated on plans. If applicable, for demolition of the underground piping, associated floor slab trenching and repair shall be shown on either plumbing plans or coordinated with Architectural and shown on the architectural plans.
New Work Plan EOR shall clearly indicate points of connection of new piping to existing. Existing piping sizes must be shown on plans so that both CPS and permit reviewers will have the ability to confirm code compliance of the existing piping system. Note, if load is added to the piping system, existing piping must be sized in compliance with the current plumbing code and CPS standards. It is EOR’s responsibility to ensure that the existing piping mains can support addition of any new fixtures or equipment. Existing mains must be upsized as part of the project, if the existing piping is too small to support added plumbing loads.