Planning Rationale
CPS is a dynamic organization that consistently adapts to changing demographics across the district while striving for growth and improvement. The construction of new additions, linked annexes, and modular buildings can relieve overcrowding, provide needed dedicated programmatic spaces such as a lunchroom or gymnasium, and support program expansion such as Universal Pre-K. These on-site solutions are typically explored when space is available on the campus. Demographic information including utilization data and other factors are also evaluated to ensure that this is the preferred solution.
Program Requirements
The program is typically developed based on the additional capacity needed. Capacity considerations should consider the immediate needs of the school and also accommodate the anticipated future growth of the school. In addition to addressing capacity, curriculum based program needs, such as an art classroom, music classroom, or library, should be evaluated. The program should consider:
- Classrooms that are not currently provided or do not have a dedicated room based on existing need If art is currently being taught on a cart instead of in an art classroom, then a new art classroom should be considered when developing the new program.
- Additional program spaces needed to accommodate the new capacity of the campus. For example, going from a 600 student capacity school to a 900 student capacity school might increase the number of science classrooms needed from 1 room to 2 rooms.
- Appropriate size of programmed spaces. For example, when increasing capacity a new lunchroom may be needed to accommodate the increased number of students. This includes the size of the lunchroom, number of serving lines and even table storage.
The project budget for additions, annexes and modulars should consider the proposed new construction, site modifications and impacts, existing building improvements, scope associated with zoning and building code compliance, and schedule or projected delivery.
Consider the availability of space on site to accommodate the needed capacity / program requirements. Site conditions and context, site constraints and site planning should be taken into account.
- Existing site features - athletic or play fields, parking, and also modulars, annexes and other structures. The feasibility of relocating or eliminating these conditions must be evaluated.
- Site adjacency implications - views or impacts to neighbors.
- Create usable outdoor space - Site layouts should consider site amenities such as a play-lot, field (either practice or competition), tennis courts if possible when identified as a need.
- Future expansion - the location of new construction should consider future new construction allowing for additional capacity or programs to be provided without displacing existing structures where feasible.
Zoning & Building Code Compliance
Annex, Addition and Modular construction projects should complete a zoning review and both the planning and the design phases to ensure that impacts are captured where applicable in the design, budget and schedule. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Fire Truck Access
- Planned Development, administrative adjustments or other zoning relief
- Landscape Ordinance
- Accessibility