Efficient use of water presents an opportunity to save resources and money as well as providing a teaching tool to the students. CPS encourages the use of low-flow fixtures and the elimination of irrigation with potable water. Potential water efficiency strategies include, but are not limited to:
- Low-Flow Urinals (0.125 gallons per minute (gpm))
- High-Efficiency Toilets (1.28 gpm). Dual flush functionality may be considered only in administrative areas.
- Aerated faucets (0.5 gpm: Pantry/Break/Classroom)
- Sensor Lavatory Faucets & Toilets
- Individually controlled showers (1.5 gpm maximum)
- Water saving considerations in selection of kitchen equipment such as steamers, and process equipment.
- Whole-building water metering, and sub-metering significant water uses such as irrigation and domestic hot water facilitate management of water use.