5.3.1 Wind
The Chicago Building Code (CBC) requirements for wind design shall be followed for strength requirements. Serviceability under wind load is normally not critical, with the exception of entry doors not being located so that they are subject to gusts that make operation of the doors difficult. This often occurs when primary entrances are placed near other buildings on the same site so that wind passing through the gap causes a Venturi effect which can restrict operation of exit and access doors.
5.3.2 Storm Shelter
The Chicago Building Code and CPS policies do not require storm shelters or safe rooms. The structure shall be design mindful that schools are large public buildings that often have collateral neighborhood usage in emergencies.
5.3.3 Seismic
Seismic design shall comply with the CBC. Normally, the expectation is that the structural planning proposed by architects shall normally result in Seismic Category A buildings.
5.3.4 Flood Mitigation
The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) flood zone map shall be reviewed to determine if the proposed building is in a location susceptible to flooding.