Direct, unobstructed paths of travel to and from main school entrances and egress locations shall be incorporated into the design for first responders. Building siting and site layout shall consider means of emergency access early in the design process.
Fire Access Routes
Public fire access shall be provided for all CPS school facilities per local fire codes in respect to building occupancy. Fire routes shall have direct access through parking areas and may overlap with loading dock and garbage access. Routes shall provide a continuous dedicated roadway for fire access, either private or public, with a minimum fire lane width of 20 feet.
When physical limitations prevent emergency access on a dedicated public way or private street, a dedicated fire lane will be required. Fire lanes will be a minimum of 20 feet wide and will be constructed from approved materials to withstand loading of 75,000 pounds or greater. Fire lanes must be maintained and protected by CPS through all seasons, including removal of snow, prevention of obstructions (street furnishings, artwork, etc.), and towing of illegally parked vehicles. Signs will be required along the length of the fire lane.
Refer to the City of Chicago Fire Protection Bureau, International Fire Code Section 503, and City of Chicago Street and Site Plan Design Standards.
Gates and Barricades
As a defensible design strategy, vehicular control devices may be installed with the approval of the City of Chicago Fire Protection Bureau. Schools shall provide and maintain an approved means of emergency operation and access. Gates, barricades, bollards and emergency access systems must remain operational at all times and avoid opening into or obstructing the ROW. See Volume 3 Section 1.7 Site Amenities for more information about bollards.
Refer to the City of Chicago Fire Protection Bureau, International Fire Code Section 503, and City of Chicago Street and Site Plan Design Standards.