As part of our mission, we are dedicated to meeting student athletic interest by working with schools to ensure that all students can meaningfully participate in athletics at CPS. The Office of Student Protections (OSP) and Title IX also helps monitor equitable participation at schools by investigating allegations of inequity in sports programs.
No one should be denied an opportunity to receive high quality athletic opportunities due to their gender. If you believe that you are being treated inequitably due to your gender or have questions about your rights under Title IX, the federal law that guarantees your right to equitable participation, please use the form below to submit a complaint, or email OSP at
Reporting Inequity in Athletics
Sports do more than promote physical fitness. They help students make connections and strengthen social bonds. Title IX protects all athletes by creating equitable opportunities across all athletic programs. Inequity can occur in access, equipment, uniforms, facilities, coaching, publicity, or other areas.

Reporting Inequity in Athletics
Sports do more than promote physical fitness. They help students make connections and strengthen social bonds. Title IX protects all athletes by creating equitable opportunities across all athletic programs. Inequity can occur in access, equipment, uniforms, facilities, coaching, publicity, or other areas.

Online Complaint Form
Freshman Student Interest Survey
Every year, as part of a Resolution Agreement CPS signed with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, all freshmen attending a CPS high school being monitored by the Agreement are asked to complete a survey that tracks interest in sports programs. This survey is an important tool utilized by OSP when working with athletic directors to identify athletic interest and expand sports offerings at CPS high schools.
Title IX Sports Outreach
To bring more awareness to the importance of Title IX in athletics, OSP is partnering with schools to post materials in gyms and locker rooms. View one of the posters below.
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Related Links
Pregnant and Parenting Students
Learn more about rights for pregnant and parenting students under Title IX.
Office of Student Protections and Title IX
Learn more about sexual harassment and Title IX.