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Reporting Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

We are committed to providing a safe and secure working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, abuse or retaliation. Use this page to report complaints and learn more about Title VI and Title IX protections.

Every student has the right to a safe and supportive environment free of discrimination, harassment, abuse and retaliation. Title IX is a federal civil rights law that does not allow discrimination on the basis of sex in schools and school activities including all of Chicago Public Schools. Title VI is a federal civil right law that does not allow discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin. Additionally, the Office of Student Protections and Title IX office that schools are safe from all sexual misconduct, bias-based harm and abuse.

How to Report

  • Computer with cursor icon

    File Online

    • File a Complaint Form if you are a student, parent or guardian, member of the public, or charter school staff member who do not have access to ASPEN.
    • File an ASPEN Report if you are a CPS staff member reporting allegations involving students.
  • Email icon

    File by Email

    Submit complaints to

  • Cell phone icon

    File by Phone

    Submit complaints to 773-535-4400.

  • Envelope icon

    File In Person or By Mail

    Submit complaints directly to OSP in person or via USPS mail to 110 N. Paulina St., Chicago, 60612.

What to Report

If you have experienced any of the following incidents,  report your allegations using the resources above. View the glossary of terms for definitions of these behaviors.

  • sex/gender-based discrimination
  • sex/gender-based harassment
  • sexual misconduct
  • retaliation

Additionally, these resources can also be used to report incidents of

  • race, color, or national origin discrimination (Title VI)
  • discrimination based on another protected category
  • bias based harm
  • staff to student physical abuse or corporal punishment
  • sports inequity
  • academic inequity.

What to Know About Consent

Consent happens you agree, give permission, or say “yes” to do something and your agreement is informed, active, voluntary, specific, and ongoing. A person cannot consent if they are not able to function normally due to drug or alcohol use, if they are not awake, if they have a physical, cognitive, or developmental difference that prevents them from understanding what is happening, if they are under the age required by law to legally consent or they are with another person who is in a position of authority or trust.

  • Informed. A person must understand the who, what, when, where and nature of the activity
  • Active. Verbal or nonverbal actions that clearly show willingness to participate in the activity. The absence of no does not mean yes; No means No. Stop means Stop
  • Voluntary. Freely given without the use of force, coercion, manipulation, or threats
  • Specific. Consent must be present every time, for every action. Consent to engage in one type of activity is not consent to engage in a different type of activity
  • Ongoing. A person can take back consent at any time. Once consent is taken back, all activity must stop

Understanding Your Protections

Discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct can take many forms. Read through the glossary of terms below to understand the behaviors you are protected from under Title VI and Title IX.

Discrimination based on sex: When you are treated differently because of your sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or pregnancy-related medical condition, or childbirth.

Sex/gender-based harassment: When someone says something or touches you, creating an unfriendly and uncomfortable situation. Such as when someone says something about how you look, your body, your gender, your sexual orientation, or your private parts that makes you feel uncomfortable. This can include inappropriate staring, inappropriate jokes, showing or sending sexual pictures, demanding hugs, dates or sexual contact, saying things that put you down due to your gender, or spreading sexual rumors.

Sexual harassment: Defined under Title IX regulations as conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

  • An employee of the recipient conditions the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the recipient on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct
  • Unwelcome conduct, determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the educational program or activity
  • Sexual assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence or Stalking. Definitions can be found in the OSP Procedural Manual

Racial Discrimination: Any distinction, exclusion, restriction, preference, or adverse act based on race, color, community, or national or ethnic origin which has the impact of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, of a right to an equitable educational experience and fundamental freedoms in the social, economic, cultural, political, and linguistic aspects of school, school and district life (Adapted from United Nations, 2019).

Bias-based behavior: Any physical, verbal, nonverbal, microaggression, or other act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a member or perceived member of a protected category within the school community that is of a discriminatory or harmful nature

Retaliation: When someone takes action against you for reporting your complaint or being involved in an investigation. If this happens, you should report this to us as we do not allow retaliation.

Other types of sexual misconduct that you are protected from:

  • Grooming: When someone shows you special attention in an attempt to build a relationship, trust and/or emotional connection with you so they can manipulate, exploit and/or abuse you
  • Inappropriate touching: When someone makes or tries to make physical contact of genitals (private parts), anus, groin, or breasts, whether directly on your body or indirect through clothes or with an object or any other intentional bodily contact in a sexual manner that you did not want.
  • Sexual electronic communication: This is intentionally viewing, making, having, or sharing sexual language or pictures/recordings without the consent of one or more parties.
  • Sexual bullying: This is severe (very serious), pervasive (widespread), or persistent (ongoing) unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature or based on a person’s sexuality or gender that is based on an imbalance of power or power and control with an intent to cause harm.
  • Sexual exploitation: Taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another person for their own enjoyment (e.g. for the purpose of sexual gratification, financial gain, personal benefit or advantage), or any other non-legitimate purpose.
  • Exposure/voyeurism/masturbation: Non-consensually exposing one’s genitals, anus, buttocks, or breasts in a sexual nature; watching others when their body parts are exposed without their consent; or touching one’s own genitals for sexual pleasure.

About the Reporting Process

Supports and Services

Office of Student Protections & Title IX

Camie C. Pratt, JD
Chief Title IX Officer
CPS Title IX Coordinator


110 N. Paulina St.
Chicago, IL 60612