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LGBTQ+ Supportive Environments

The Office of of Student Health and Wellness recognizes that there are a number of strategies which can be used to enhance school climate and make schools safer and more welcoming to LGBTQ students. The Office of Student Health and Wellness offers two professional developments around creating safe and supportive environments for LGBTQ and all youth to school staff and administration.

OUT for Safe Schools

OUT for Safe Schools logo

OUT for Safe Schools is a national campaign that helps educators, administrators, and other school district employees ‘come out’ as visible allies for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students and staff. As part of the campaign, participating staff wear badges identifying themselves as allies in order to make school a safer, more welcoming place.

CPS participation reflects our continual effort to remove health-related barriers to learning, to foster inclusive, supportive school climates, and to address all dimensions of student health and wellness – thereby fostering a Healthy CPS not only for LGBTQ students and staff, but for everyone in our community. For more information about the national campaign, visit

Guidelines: Gender & Sexuality Protections

It is the expectation that all CPS schools, including all District, Charter, Contract, and Options schools, regardless of school governance, adhere to the Guidelines, as part of all schools' broader responsibility to comply with our Comprehensive Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy. All students, staff, vendors, and volunteers are required to adhere to the Guidelines: Gender & Sexuality Protections for Students and Adults at CPS. School administration and their designees are responsible for ensuring these Guidelines are implemented at the school level. Department Chiefs are responsible for ensuring these guidelines are implemented at the Departmental level.

CPS Students

All students need a safe and supportive school environment to progress academically and developmentally. CPS administrators, faculty, staff, and students all play an important part in creating and sustaining a supportive environment.

The Guidelines: Gender & Sexuality Protections For CPS Students [ English | Spanish ] set out protocols for schools to understand the gender and sexuality protections for all CPS students with special considerations for the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+) community members. Additionally, the CPS Supporting Gender Diversity Toolkit (Toolkit) was created for students, staff, and parents/guardians to understand how to implement the GSP Student Guidelines.

If the student or parent/guardian expresses a desire for additional supports and/or accommodations:

The principal may convene the Student Administrative Support Team to assist with timely and appropriate accommodations. The team is responsible for constructing a support plan (included in the Toolkit) that addresses the supports and accommodations provided to the student. The team should work closely with the student and/or the parent/guardian, if appropriate, to discuss individual needs and the efforts that will be made to meet them. The student’s support plan shall be kept in the student’s health folder and may be shared only with staff members who have a legitimate health, safety, or educational interest in the information. Please see the full guidelines for more information.

Adults at CPS

All CPS-affiliated staff, including employees, charter school staff, vendor employees, and volunteers are entitled to a safe and supportive workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation based on any protected category, including gender identity and sexual orientation. LGBTQ+ community members have a right to enroll their children in public school and be treated with dignity and respect. CPS administrators, faculty, staff, and students all play an important part in creating and sustaining a supportive environment.

The Guidelines: Gender & Sexuality Protections For Adults at CPS [ English | Spanish ] set out protocols for schools to understand the gender and sexuality protections for all adult CPS community members with special considerations for the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+) community members.

LGBTQ Health in Chicago Public Schools

The Office of Student Health and Wellness has worked with their evaluation partners at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) School of Public Health's Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center (P3RC) to produce a report, LGBTQ Health in Chicago Public Schools: Working Towards Equity. This report compiles findings from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey focused on the health and experiences of LGBTQ high school students in CPS. As the report describes in detail, LGBTQ youth in Chicago face significantly higher rates of depression, suicidality, substance use, bullying, violence, pregnancy, and STI & HIV testing compared to their non-LGBTQ peers. In addition, the report outlines efforts within CPS to address these disparate health outcomes and provides suggestions for how communities can work to address LGBTQ health equity issues.

National Coming Out Day

Find tools and resources to advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Learn More

LGBTQ+ Supportive Environment Resources

  • LGBTQ Health in Chicago Public Schools: Working Towards Equity [ English ]
  • CPS Guidelines Regarding the Support of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students [ English | Spanish ]
  • CPS Guidelines Regarding the Support of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Employees [ English ]
  • CPS Guidance to Supporting Transgender, Non-Binary, Gender Non-Conforming and LGBTQ+ Students in Physical Education [ English ]
  • CPS Gender Support Plan [ English ]
  • Guidance for Responding to Common Pushback [ English | Spanish ]
  • Key Terms: A Guide for Understanding LGBTQ+ Identities [ English | Spanish ]

Parent/Caregiver Resources

  • Supporting LGBTQ+ Young People: Tips for Parents and Caregivers [ English  | Spanish ]
  • Resource Guide for Parents/Guardians and Caregivers: Supporting Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and LGBTQ+ Youth [ Spanish ]
  • Please Stay

Student Health and Wellness

773-553-KIDS (5437)

42 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60602