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Tech Talk 2025

Chicago Public Schools Presents

Join us on Tuesday, February 25 for Tech Talk 2025

Tech Talk is a day-long, virtual professional development conference led by CPS educators, Tech Coordinators, Googlers, SOPPA approved vendors, and CPS thought leaders.

Tech Talk sessions are intended to partner skills with the tech tools needed to stay organized and engage students. Topics focus on instructional technologies, Google integration in the classroom, Skyline, Social / Emotional Learning, the future of AI / Chat GPT, and upcoming CPS technology initiatives, among others.

Because the event is entirely virtual, you will have the flexibility to select and attend up to five sessions from a diverse offering. Sessions will be held using video conferencing and audio tools such as Google Meet, with instant messaging and live chats for Q&A.

Zoom Call 50/50

ISBE Credit and Learning Hub Information

Tech Talk attendees can receive up to 5 ISBE credit hours for attending live sessions at Tech Talk 2025. Directions for accessing ISBE credit hours will be sent out immediately after Tech Talk is over. Attendees will not register in the Learning Hub ahead of Tech Talk, but will be given the information after Tech Talk so that they can register then. Please email if you have questions. Please note: ISBE credit hours are solely granted to those who participated in live Tech Talk sessions.

Tech Talk 2024 Session Materials


Got Questions?

For questions, use the resources and contacts below.