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The following forms are used by school administrators to provide parent notice or consent when required under the Board’s Acceptable Use Policies for a student to receive texts from the school or school staff or for a student to participate in a classroom social media site.

Parent Consent Forms - Texting to a Student Cell Phone

The Policy authorizes schools/school staff to text/IM to a student cell phone in very limited circumstances. If a Principal approves texting to a student’s cell phone under one of the limited exceptions, the school will send a parent/guardian one of the following consent forms. Parents must provide written consent to have their child receive authorized text/instant messages from their school or school staff by signing and returning the consent from.

Classroom Social Media Authorization and Parent Consent Forms

The Policy permits school staff to establish a social media page for student use as part of a class, school activity or program when authorized by the principal and when the social media page conforms with CPS social media requirements. If the principal has approved a school staff member to use CPS social media with students, the school will send a parent/guardian the CPS Social Media Opt-Out Form. If a parent does not want their child using a classroom social media site, the parent should sign the Opt-Out Form and return it to the school.