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Pre-k students who are continuing to learn remotely will attend classes from home five days per week . 

Remote Days

  • Image of open laptop with CPS logo

    1. Joining the classroom

    Students will log into their accounts on their computers to join their classrooms.  

  • Sketch of young student sitting at a desk

    2. Following classroom procedures

    Students should maintain a distraction free learning space in their home where they can focus on instruction.

  • sketch of masked teacher at a chalkboard

    3. Instructors and classroom supervision

    Students will begin their day with their homeroom teacher and all instruction will be provided through their computers. Additional teachers could rotate in during the day to lead classes across subjects or to provide breaks for staff.

  • Sketch of bagged lunch, drink, and fruit

    4. Lunch and breaks throughout the day

    Pre-K students will have independent time for lunch as well as short breaks during the school day.

  • Sketch of toy blocks

    5. Activities and quiet time

    Remote students should follow the directions of the parent or guardian monitoring them to stay safe during activities and quiet time at home, and make sure they return to the next synchronous learning period on time.

  • sketch of masked adult at a desk

    6. Receiving student services

    Related service providers, English learner teachers, diverse learner teachers, and social emotional learning specialists, among others, will continue to provide student services. These staff members will schedule virtual sessions with fully remote students.

  • Sketch of open laptop with an off button

    7. Ending the school day

    At the end of the school day, fully remote students will log-off and exit their computers.