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Vendor Policy

To ensure the health and safety of our students and their families during remote learning, the district has established a framework for schools to use when engaging with vendors and service providers.

On April 13, 2020, CPS implemented remote learning which will continue through the end of the school year due to the COVID-19 school closure. To ensure the health and safety of our students and their families during this time, the district established a framework for schools to use when engaging with vendors and service providers while remote learning remains in effect.

The framework assigns CPS vendors with a Tier status of 0, 1, or 2. The Tier status indicates the level of interaction organizations may have with staff, students, and families during remote learning. CPS notified vendors of their Tier status on May 6, 2020.

  • Tier 0: Interaction between the vendor organization and CPS students or families is not permitted at this time because the scope of services cannot be executed remotely. Interaction with CPS staff is permitted.
  • Tier 1 (Remote Learning Partner): Conditional interaction with CPS staff, students, and families is permitted. Please see the chart below for more information.
  • Tier 2 (Core Partner): Conditional interaction with CPS staff, students, and families is permitted. Please see the chart below for more information.

A live vendor training webinar was held on May 8, 2020 for Tier 1 and Tier 2 partners. A recording of the webinar is available at cpstube. Frequently asked questions will be posted soon. Questions about Tier status designation should be directed to the point of contact in the department that manages the organization’s contract.

Permitted Interactions By Tier

Tier O - Not Authorized
To CPS Staff   Acceptable 
To CPS Families  Not Acceptable
To CPS Students: Email  Not Acceptable
To CPS Students: Live Videoconference  Not Acceptable
To CPS Students: Phone  Not Acceptable
Tier 1 - Remote Learning Center
To CPS Staff   Acceptable 
To CPS Families   Acceptable  With written permission from principal
To CPS Students: Email   Acceptable 


  • Written permission from principal
  • CC to approver or designee
To CPS Students: Live Videoconference   Acceptable 
  • Google Meets only
  • Multiple students only
  • CPS staff must initiate and participate
To CPS Students: Phone  Not Acceptable
Tier 2 - Core Partner
To CPS Staff   Acceptable 
To CPS Families   Acceptable  Via vendor's email
To CPS Students: Email   Acceptable  Only via volunteer's email to student's email
To CPS Students: Live Videoconference   Acceptable 
  • Google Meets only
  • 1:1 or multiple students
  • Only via vendor's email to student's email
To CPS Students: Phone  Not Acceptable

Vendor Tier Training for Remote Learning Period

This webinar outlines the types of permitted contact that vendors may have with CPS stakeholders (CPS staff, CPS families, CPS students) depending on their Vendor Tier status (i.e. Tier 0, 1, or 2), and what they must do in order to maintain such status.

Best Practices for Using Google Instructional Technology Tools

Website offers guidance, support documentation and videos for how to use a variety of technology tools in support of instruction.