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Encourage Parent Involvement with the School

Module Methods Who Where When

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Stakeholder Analysis
to identify the key parent groups we may want to involve.

CPS project team, FACE (Family Community Engagement in Education) team.

CPS office or virtually. Week 1
One hour workshop.

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Five Why’s
to explore assumptions and challenges related to parent involvement and set the stage for ideation with key stakeholders.
CPS project team, FACE team and stakeholders such as CAC (Community Action Council) leaders.

At schools or virtually.

Week 2
One hour workshop.

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Round Robin
 to involve parents in addressing challenges with parental engagement with the school and to help increase parents’ comfort in sharing and building on each other’s ideas.

CPS team and stakeholders identified during the Stakeholder analysis (especially those who may not typically participate).

At schools or virtually.

Week 3
Four hour workshop.

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Concept Poster
to showcase the best combination of ideas based on the round robin exercise. These ideas can continually be updated and changed with input.

CPS team and stakeholders identified during the Stakeholder analysis (especially those who may not typically participate).

At schools or virtually.